I am professional philosopher working in the field of practical philosophy and ethics. I received my MA and PhD from the University of Münster (Germany) with a thesis focused on the debate on moral realism in metaethics in 2013. I also held different scholarships and fellowship at Oxford (UK) and Harvard (USA) during that time. Since 2014, I have been a full-time and tenured researcher at the Juelich Research Center. In 2021, I completed my habilitation at the University of Bonn, presenting a philosophical work on the question of meaning in life in ethics, and received the venia legendi in philosophy. Thus, in addition to my appointment in Juelich, I am also currently Associate Professor (“Privatdozent”) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bonn.
I have published more than 50 professional articles in international journals. In 2014, I had the privilege of being a Visiting Fellow at Columbia University in New York (USA). I was honored in 2016 with the annual Philosophy and Ethics prize awarded by the German Society for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology (DGPPN). I am proud to be a co-founder and editor of the Journal for Ethics and Moral Philosophy (Springer; first issue published in 2018).
My systematic research primarily lies in the field of ethics, and I explore this in its full breadth, including metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. At present, my research particularly centers on ethical questions related to artificial intelligence. In terms of historical focus, my interests are in the philosophy of antiquity, particularly Stoicism, German idealism (especially the works of Kant and Hegel), and 20th century analytical philosophy (focusing on thinkers like McDowell, Korsgaard, Parfit).